Author Guideline
- Acceptable articles are in the form of research results or research techniques related to mining environmental management.
- The article must be original writing 10 years ago (never before or in the process of being published in a national or international scientific journal).
- Articles are written in good and correct Indonesian using Microsoft Word.
- The author must clearly state the correspondent's author's name, full address, and email address.
- The correspondent writer is responsible for the authenticity of the research and the content of the manuscript. Other authors (if any) must have approved the submitted manuscript.
- Files containing manuscripts / manuscripts and article submission forms can be sent through the website of the Journal of Mining Environmental Management:
- Manuscripts outside these provisions will not be accepted.
- The article is typed on A4 size paper with the format top margin 3 cm, left margin 3 cm, right margin 2 cm and bottom margin 2 cm. The font used is Time New Roman and articles should not exceed 20 pages.
- The inclusion of scientific names in the form of binomial or Latin trinomial (in italics), is used to clarify the description of the organism in question. The inclusion of common scientific names is not required. The full writing of the scientific name is written when it is first mentioned in the text, each figure, and each table.
- Any International System (SI) including derived ones should be used. Use slash marks to indicate a ratio. Example: (cmol/kg instead of cmol(+).kg-1)
- Abbreviations and symbols are commonly used, especially in the scientific community. Other abbreviations may be used if each abbreviation was given an abbreviation when it was first mentioned in the article.
- Write down the numbers one through ten and the unit of measurement. Don't start sentences with numbers. Use 5,000 instead of 5000, and 5% instead of 5%.
- Date writing uses the order of the day of the month of the year (example: June 10, 1992 or June 10, 1992).
- Every reference cited in the manuscript must be included in the bibliography, and vice versa (it should always be corrected both spelling and year).
- The writing of quotations in the manuscript follows the following rules:
- Single author: Sudirman (1995) or (Sudirman 1995).
- Two authors: Sudirman and Budiman (1995) or (Sudirman &; Budiman 1995).
- Three or more authors: Sudirman et al. (1995) or (Sudirman et al. 1995).
- It is strongly discouraged to use quotations from unpublished references or based solely on personal communication.
- Use parentheses and separate them with semicolons to mention multiple references to literature, tables, and figures. Examples: (Sudirman 1992; Budiman 1995) (Table 1; Figure 2). Sort references starting from the oldest year.
- The manuscript chapter section in the form of introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, acknowledgments (optional), and bibliography are written in the middle of the page (aligment center). All letters are uppercase, bold, and the font size is 11pt.
- The title is made in Indonesian and English, for Indonesian manuscripts followed by English. (maximum 15 words for Indonesian title). Write the title in the middle of the page (aligment center).
- In Indonesian bold, font size is 14pt, written in uppercase except scientific names. The title should be specific, effective, concise, and be able to describe the content of the paper clearly.
- English titles are capitalized at the beginning of the word (Capitalize Each Word). Customized with Indonesian title, italicized, font size 14pt.
Include the author's name and institution (written in full) after the title section. Write in the middle of the page (aligment center), bold in the author's name, and font size 11pt.
Example: First Author1*, Second Author2, .... and so on (Add a '*' sign for the author of the correspondence)
1Author's Institution (name of department/study program and faculty (If any), name of institution, along with full address and postal code)
2Author's Institution (name of department/study program and faculty (If any), name of institution, along with full address and postal code)
3............................, and so on
*Correspondence: correspondence author's email address:
Abstracts are written in English with a maximum number of words of 200-250, including explanations of the background problems, methods, research results with emphasis on findings and implications presented informatively and factually. Avoid using abbreviations except for abbreviations that are commonly used or previously mentioned.
Written in English, a maximum of 5 keywords, arranged in alphabetical order from the beginning of the word.
The introduction contains the background or strong reasons for conducting research, objectives and hypotheses if any. Use libraries that actually support the discussion in the article.
Research methods can be laboratory experiments, field experiments, and field surveys designed according to the purpose or type of research. Previously published methods should be written as libraries, only relevant modifications should be described. Research methods can be divided into subchapters according to the details of the steps of scientific work, for example: materials, equipment, data analysis.
Present the results of the study first, give enough explanation for important findings, continue with analysis and then discussion. Subchapters in results and discussion are systematically developed and lead to conclusions.
This section presents conclusions from research results that answer the problems and research objectives that have been formulated in the introduction.
The suggestions put forward must be related to the implementation or results of the research.
This section can be used to express gratitude for the research funding support received and to appreciate institutions or people who have helped during the research and article writing process.
The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically from the first author. If there are two or more publications from the same author in the same year, then in the year of publication of the publication a distinguishing lowercase letter is added (for example: Suwanto A. 1998a; Suwanto 1989b). Writing a bibliography should follow the rules as exemplified as follows:
Journal Articles:
Author AB, Author CD, Author EF. Year. Article Title. Journal Name. Volume(Number): Page.
Example: Suwardi, Randrikasari, O. 2023. Land reclamation technology of former nickel mines. Minutes of Agricultural and Environmental Policy Formulation of Strategic Studies in Agriculture and the Environment. 2(1) : 101-121.
If the DOI is listed, then it is written as follows:
Author AB, Author CD, Author EF. Year. Article Title. Journal Name. Volume(Number): Page. DOI: URL DOI.
Example If DOI is listed: Suwardi, Randrikasari, O. 2023. Land reclamation technology of former nickel mines. Minutes of Agricultural and Environmental Policy Formulation of Strategic Studies in Agriculture and the Environment, 10(3), 145-164. doi:
The table must be referred to in the text, the table title written on top of the table with a capital letter at the beginning of the first word (sentece case), and bolded in the table number.
The image must be referred to in the text, the title of the image is written below the image, with capital letters at the beginning of the first word (sentece case), centered, and bolded in the image number.