Mutu fisikokimia dan mikrobiologi rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) hasil tangkapan di Kabupaten Rembang, Jawa Tengah Physicochemical and microbiological quality of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) caught in Rembang District, Central Java
Blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is a fishery commodity that is the mainstay of Indonesian exports. Generally, exporters export crab as frozen, peeled, boiled meat, which is perishable. Considering the high potential of crab catching and the utilization of crab meat as an export commodity, it is necessary to research to determine the physicochemical and microbiological quality of crab caught in Rembang Regency, Central Java. The samples used were frozen fresh crab, frozen boiled, and peeled boiled meat by fishing households and miniplants. The analyses performed were yield, protein content, amino acid profile, TVB-N, microbial contamination, and heavy metals. The results showed a yield of 28.36-42.34%, protein content of 17.98±0.64 and 21.24±1.47% (b/w), total lysine 1.79-1.87%, glutamic acid 4.05-4.78% (b/w), hardness 22.145-38.096 N, and cohesiveness 0.476-0.638. TVB-N values of crab (fresh and boiled) and crab meat ranged from 9.51±1.67 to 54.68±0.00 mg N/100 g sample. There was no Salmonella (negative), Escherichia coli <0.3 APM/100 g sample, and ALT 6.15×108 CFU/g sample. Heavy metal contamination of crab meat was Pb 0.12±0.09 mg/kg sample, Cd 0.15±0.12 mg/kg sample, and Hg 1.48±0.71 mg/kg sample. Captured blue swimming crab in Rembang Regency has good quality. The heavy metal Hg found in peeled crab meat in miniplants was above the permissible threshold, requiring further testing.
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