Pengaruh penambahan garam pada kornet ikan lele (Clarias sp.) The effects of salt addition on corned catfish (Clarias sp.) products
Catfish corn is a diverse curing product. The addition of different salts during the curing process influenced the protein profile, water activity, color, and texture of the corned catfish. This study aimed to determine the best salt concentration for corned catfish based on color, hardness, water activity, and protein profile. The catfish corn was processed using curing technology with salt additions of 0, 0.75, 1.5, and 2 g. The parameters used were color test (lightness (L), rednees/greenes (a), yellowness/blueness (b)), hardness, water activity, and protein profile using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The results showed that treatment with the salt variants did not have a significant effect on the L value (49,70 to 53.06) but had a significant effect on the a value (12.23 to 26.60) and b (7.64 to 12.29), hardness (56.41 to 102.53 gf), and water activity (0.74 to 0.82). The protein profile of catfish corn revealed the presence of myofibrils, collagen, sarcoplasm, myoglobin, and protease. Salt addition 2 g was the best treatment for catfish corn products, based on the L value (49.70), a (26.60), b (7.54), hardness (102.53 gf), and water activity (0.74).
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