Viskositas dan aktivitas antibakteri kitin berpartikel nano yang dihidrolisis dengan volume HCl berbeda Viscosity and antibacterial activity of nano-particle chitin hydrolyzed with different volumes of HCl

Asri Silvana Naiu, Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf


Chitin and its derivative chitosan possess antibacterial properties. To facilitate their application, chitin, which is highly insoluble, must be converted into soluble particles. This can be achieved by reducing the particle size using acidic compounds and a high-speed destruction process. It is believed that particle reduction affects the antibacterial activity and viscosity of chitin. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal ratio of chitin and HCl for producing nano-chitin based on the maximum zone of bacterial inhibition and the viscosity of the resulting solution. The bacteria tested were Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella sp. The treatments were administered at three different ratios of chitin to HCl: 1:8, 1:10, and 1:12 (w/v). The parameters analyzed included the yield of nanochitin particles, zone of bacterial inhibition, and viscosity of the nanochitin solution. A chitin: HCl ratio of 1:8 yielded the best result, producing 70.44% of nanochitin. Differences in the amount of HCl used to hydrolyze chitin affected the bacterial inhibition zone. The inhibition zones of Salmonella sp. (7.4 mm), and S. aureus (8.10 mm). The only observed zone of inhibition for E. coli was treatment with 1:10. Viscosity was not affected by the different chitin-to-HCl ratios. Nanochitin from the ratio of 1:8 has the potential as an active ingredient in the manufacture of edible film.


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Asri Silvana Naiu (Primary Contact)
Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf
Naiu A. S., & Yusuf N. (2024). Viskositas dan aktivitas antibakteri kitin berpartikel nano yang dihidrolisis dengan volume HCl berbeda: Viscosity and antibacterial activity of nano-particle chitin hydrolyzed with different volumes of HCl . Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(7), 611-621.

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