Profil proksimat, asam amino, dan asam lemak MPASI dengan bahan baku tepung ikan Profile of proximate, amino acid, and fatty acids of complementary food with fish meal raw ingredients

Nurfaidah Nurfaidah, Metusalach Metusalach, Meta Mahendradatta, Sukarno Sukarno, Sufardin Sufardin, Ahmad Fahrizal, Sulfiana Sulfiana


The period between the ages of six and 24 months is a time of rapid growth and development in children. During this phase, insufficient nutrition can lead to stunting, which makes children especially susceptible. Optimizing the intake of complementary nutrition, specifically complementary food, is essential for the growth and development of children. Fish meat has the potential to serve as a source of animal protein for complementary foods. The primary objective of this study was to identify the attributes of complementary foods that incorporated carp flour and albumin in terms of their chemical makeup, amino acids, and fatty acids. Complementary food was formulated using a dry mixing technique. The concentrations of albumin and albumin flour in carp fish meal were reported to be 5% and 10%, respectively. Furthermore, proximate analysis, amino acid profile, and fatty acid composition of carp fish meal were examined. The data indicated that the supplementary sustenance consisted of 21.8% proteins, 17.5% lipids, and 45% carbohydrates. According to the study findings, the chemical makeup of MP-ASI comprises 21.8% protein, 17.5% fat, and 45% carbohydrates. The MP-ASI formulation contained high levels of essential and nonessential amino acids, including arginine (14.64 %) and lysine (26.91 %). The primary source of fatty acids in MP-ASI is linoleic acid, which constitutes 68.98% of the total fatty acids and is crucial for a child's growth and development. The formulation of MP-ASI based on fish flour and albumin was designed to meet energy adequacy standards.


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Nurfaidah Nurfaidah (Primary Contact)
Metusalach Metusalach
Meta Mahendradatta
Sukarno Sukarno
Sufardin Sufardin
Ahmad Fahrizal
Sulfiana Sulfiana
Nurfaidah N., Metusalach M., Mahendradatta M., Sukarno S., Sufardin S., Fahrizal A., & Sulfiana S. (2024). Profil proksimat, asam amino, dan asam lemak MPASI dengan bahan baku tepung ikan: Profile of proximate, amino acid, and fatty acids of complementary food with fish meal raw ingredients. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(5), 431-445.

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