Pengaruh konsentrasi penambahan bubuk ikan roa asap (Hemiramphus sp.) terhadap tingkat kesukaan bumbu penyedap The effect of additional concentration of smoked roa fish powder (Hemiramphus sp.) on seasoning preference level
Diversification of fishery products was carried out to increase their added value. Smoked roa fish is a traditional food for the people of Sulawesi and Maluku. Seasonings made from smoked roa fish could be an alternative to increasing the added value of smoked roa fish. This study aimed to determine the best formulation for making cubic seasonings from smoked roa fish based on the level of preference (taste, color, and aroma), moisture, and protein content. This research consisted of six treatments with the addition of smoked roa fish powder, namely 87.5 g, 122.5 g, 175 g, 210 g, 262.5 g, and 350 g. The results showed that the lowest moisture content was found in the treatment with the addition of 87.5 g smoked roa fish powder at 7.52% and the highest in the treatment with the addition of 350 g smoked roa fish powder at 11.72%. The lowest protein content was found in the treatment with the addition of fish powder-smoked roa 20.34 g at 18.81% and the highest was found in the treatment with the addition of 350 g smoked roa fish powder at 38.44%. The best seasoning formulation was based on a preference level, namely, treatment with 210 g smoked roa fish powder with a taste preference value of 3.20, color 3.48 and aroma 4.68 on a scale of 5, as well as a moisture content value of 9.90% and protein content of 30.24%.
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