Pemanfaatan rumput laut Caulerpa racemosa sebagai bahan baku masker wash-off dengan penambahan peptida siput gonggong Utilization seaweed caulerpa racemosa as wash-off mask raw material with addition of gonggong snail peptides
Caulerpa racemosa has potential as a raw material for cosmetics, specifically face masks, owing to its antioxidant content. The type of marine fauna that has a high economic value and is rich in peptides is the gonggong snail (Laevistrombus turturella). Gonggong snail extract has antioxidant activity and antimicrobial peptides that can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. This study aimed to determine the best formula for a wash-off mask from C. racemosa with the addition of gonggong peptide. The formulation of the wash-off face mask used a fixed formula resulting from optimization (adding 15% C. racemosa seaweed), employing a completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments of gonggong peptide addition: A1 (15%), A2 (10%), and A3 (5%). The wash-off mask product was analyzed for organoleptic properties, total plate count (TPC), pH value, irritation test, drying time test, and antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. Fresh C. racemosa seaweed has strong antioxidant activity, measuring 71.42 µg/mL. The wash-off mask with the best formula was the 5% gonggong peptide addition formula with a hedonic value of aroma parameter 6 (somewhat like), color 7 (like), and texture 7 (like). The scoring test had a value of seven (good) for each parameter. The selected formula meets the requirements of SNI 16-6070-1999 on the TPC value, which is 4.1×102 CFU/mL and the pH value is 6.5. The resulting mask did not cause irritating reactions, dried for 14.8 minutes and contained 186.98±0.01 µg/mL antioxidants. This wash-off mask product has the potential to be an alternative to face masks.
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