Karakteristik mutu abon ikan sapu-sapu (Pterygoplichthys pardalis) dari Perairan Danau Tempe, Sulawesi Selatan The quality characteristics of armored catfish (Pterygoplichthys pardalis) fish floss in Tempe Lake, South Sulawesi
The population of suckermouth catfish in Tempe Lake is abundant because it is rarely used by the community. One effort to increase the economic value of this fish is to make it a processed product, one of which is seasoned fish meat floss. This study aimed to determine the quality of seasoned fish meat floss from three groups of fish of different sizes using sensory parameters, chemical composition, heavy metals, and microbiology by SNI-7690:2013. Samples used in this study were taken using the purposive sampling method, which was divided into three size groups: large (>30.1 cm), medium (20.1-30 cm), and small (≤20 cm). White meat from each size group was used as a sample to prepare seasoned fish meat floss. The results of the study showed that seasoned fish floss made from different sizes had a good level of consumer acceptance, with a score of 3.86-4.40 out of a maximum score of 5. The organoleptic test of seasoned fish meat floss met the quality requirements of SNI. It has quality characteristics, namely moisture content 2.52-3.11%, protein 32.34-32.40%, lipid 22.18-24.55%, and ash 4.13-5.53%. The moisture and protein contents met the quality standards based on the SNI. In addition, the levels of heavy metals (Hg, Pb, and Cd), as well as the results of the total plate count test, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus, were below the maximum threshold required.
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