Proksimat dan profil asam amino kerang bulu (Anadara antiquata) asal Desa Ohoiletman Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Proximate and amino acid profile of feather clams (Anadara antiquata) from Ohoiletman Village Southeast Maluku Regency
Southeast Maluku Regency in Maluku Province has not effectively harnessed the potential of feather clams, which are marine organisms that are rich in nutritional content. The primary objective of this study was to assess the proximate, morphometric, yield, and amino acid composition of feather clam meat and to conduct a comprehensive battery of tests, including proximate analysis, morphometry, and amino acid content analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).). The purpose of these experiments was to acquire a more comprehensive knowledge of the properties of the samples.The specific values of feather clams are as follows: water content, 77.79%; protein, 13.08%; fat, 5.33%; ash, 1.82%; and carbohydrates, 1.98%.The typical measurement for shellfish is 5.25 cm for length, 4.58 cm for width, and 3.48 cm for height, with an average weight of 46.81 g and a yield of 2.53%. Amino acids can be grouped into 18 different types, nine of which are essential amino acids and the remaining nine are non-essential. Lysine, at a concentration of 5.03%, is the most abundant essential amino acid.
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