Peer Review Process

All manuscripts will undergo an editorial review and a double-blind peer review process. This means that the journal editor does not disclose the reviewers' identities to the authors, nor do the reviewers know the authors' identities. All identifying information such as names and affiliations are removed. Typically, one to two experts will review the submitted manuscripts, evaluating their scientific validity and coherence, checking for duplication of existing work, and assessing the clarity of the manuscript for publication. Reviewers will also consider the interest and significance of the research. The Editors will make a decision based on these evaluations and will consult with the Editorial Board if needed.

Authors should thoroughly check the revised manuscript for sentence structure, completeness, and the accuracy of the text, references, tables, and graphic content. Based on the reviewers' feedback, the editors will decide to accept or reject the manuscripts under the following common conditions:


  1. Accept Submission:The manuscript is accepted for publication, possibly with minor editorial revisions.
  2. Revisions Required:Manuscripts with minor issues, such as spelling or punctuation errors, will be sent back to the authors for revision.
  3. Resubmit for Review:Manuscripts needing substantial changes may be accepted after major revisions. These will be returned to the authors for significant reworking before resubmission, or they may be rejected.
  4. Decline Submission:Manuscripts are rejected due to reasons such as lack of originality, insufficient conceptual advancements, or major technical or interpretational problems.

The time to reach a final decision varies depending on the number of review cycles, the responsiveness of the authors, and other factors.