Struktur, Perilaku dan Kinerja Pemasaran Ikan Cakalang di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan
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Skipjack tuna is the result of the main capture fisheries in the South Halmahera district which experienced significant growth of 4,2 percent during the 2016-2018 period, but increased production experienced constraints in the marketing system and caused income uncertainty for fishermen and traders. The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing system of skipjack tuna in the South Halmahera Regency using a structural, behavioural, and performance (SCP) approach. The sampling method uses snowball sampling which started with 68 fishermen. The results showed that the market structure formed was an oligopsonistic market structure and there was a barrier to market entry of 14 percent. Meanwhile, market behaviour shows that fishermen only act as price takers. Based on the marketing margin analysis, there are 10 (ten) skipjack fish marketing channels. Judging from the value of large skipjack fish, marketing channel 7 has the highest margin value of 70,4 percent and the lowest is channel 8 of 53,9 percent. Meanwhile, the marketing channel of small fish the highest margin value is marketing channel 9 of 73,9 and the lowest is channel 9 of 65,1 percent. While the value of farmer share, channel 1 has the highest value of 70 percent and the lowest is channel 7 of 36 percent. Overall, skipjack tuna marketing channels have not been efficient.
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