Integrative management of feline pneumonia: a case study on laser puncture and pharmacotherapy

  • Roro Soesatyoratih Division of Surgery and Radiology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Keywords: acupuncture, laser puncture, joule, mW, pneumonia


A female cat named Meisy came to the Cimanggu Animal Clinic with complaints of shortness of breath, cough, flu, and refusal to eat. The results of the physical examination of the cat showed shortness of breath, cough, and purulent discharge from the nose. Palpation examination of the cat did not feel comfortable when pressure was applied to the BL-13 acupuncture point which is the back of the lung organ. On auscultation, the lung sounds were dirty. The results of supporting X-ray examinations in the latero lateral and dorso ventral positions found abnormalities in all lung fields, in the form of an Interstitial Diffuse Bronchial Pattern (Cutton Like Density) pattern indicating Pneumonia. The cat Meisy was diagnosed with Pneumonia. The therapy in this case was Laser Puncture with an energy of 0.5 Joules and a power of 20 mW at points BL-13, LU-9 and, ST-36 carried out twice a week in combination with the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, infusions, and nebulizers. . The development of therapy occurred after the 3rd acupuncture, and was declared cured after the 8th acupuncture and acupuncture therapy was stopped.


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Author Biography

Roro Soesatyoratih, Division of Surgery and Radiology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

Department of Clinic, Reproduction and Pathology


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How to Cite
SoesatyoratihR. (2024). Integrative management of feline pneumonia: a case study on laser puncture and pharmacotherapy. ARSHI Veterinary Letters, 8(4), 83-84.