Removal of granulosa theca cells tumor in the mare

  • . Amrozi Bogor Agricultural University
  • R. Harry Soehartono Department of Clinic, Reproduction, and Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University
  • Erly Rizka Adistya Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University
  • Iga Mahardi Dr Am Veterinary Services, Jl Ketimun C93, Sinarsari, Dramaga, Bogor
  • Hidayati Mukarromah Dr Am Veterinary Services, Jl Ketimun C93, Sinarsari, Dramaga, Bogor
  • M. Ibnu Satria Dr Am Veterinary Services, Jl Ketimun C93, Sinarsari, Dramaga, Bogor
  • Ho Kin Wai Program of Veterinary Profession Education, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University
  • Sugganya a/p Ravi Program of Veterinary Profession Education, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University
Keywords: mare, granulosa theca cell tumor, surgery, ultrasonography


Granulosa Theca Cells Tumor (GTCT) is the most common equine ovarian tumor that frequently occured in mare with indication of stallion like behaviour and nymphomania. A mare with stallion like behavior was diagnosed with ultrasound has GTCT with diameter of 147 mm of the left ovary and hypofunction of the right ovary. The GTCT was removed by midline laparotomy. Anesthesia was performed by using Xylazin and Ketamine and maintenance with Isoflurane. Large size of GTCT could be safely removed by abdominal midline surgery for extraction of tumor.


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Author Biography

. Amrozi, Bogor Agricultural University
Department of Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bogor Agricultural University


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How to Cite
Amrozi., SoehartonoR. H., AdistyaE. R., MahardiI., MukarromahH., SatriaM. I., WaiH. K., & RaviS. a/p. (2020). Removal of granulosa theca cells tumor in the mare. ARSHI Veterinary Letters, 4(1), 11-12.

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