Contamination of Escherichia coli in Chicken Meat at Markets in South Tangerang City

  • Nurul Asila IPB University
Keywords: Escherichia coli, chicken meat, most probable number (MPN)


Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the bacteria found in chicken meat. In general, E. coli is normal in the digestive tract of humans and healthy animals, but some strains of E. coli are pathogenic and can cause disease. E. coli contamination in chicken meat can be detected by the most probable number (MPN) calculation method. This study aims to determine the number of E. coli in chicken meat sold in markets in South Tangerang City. The study was conducted in 6 markets, with 46 meat samples. The samples were tested using the MPN method based on Indonesian National Standard No. 2897:2008 on the test method for microbial contamination in meat, eggs, and milk and their processed products. The standard of SNI 7388:2009 concerning the maximum limit of microbial contamination in food is 1×101 MPN/g. The results showed the highest percentage of E. coli contamination in chicken meat and over the maximum limit of the SNI 7388: 2009 standard is 75% from a total of 46 samples. This study concludes that the level of E. coli contamination found in chicken meat in markets in South Tangerang City exceeds the standard limit of SNI


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