Elements of Strategic Policy for Small Scale Fisheries Management in Semarang City
Elemen Kebijakan Strategis Pengelolaan Perikanan Skala Kecil di Kota Semarang
Small-scale fisheries in Semarang City play an important role, because the fishing fleet is small (< 10 GT). However, its existence received little attention, because the contribution of the fisheries sector to the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Semarang City was relatively small. The development of fishing units in small-scale fisheries in Semarang City every year always increases, while on the other hand the catches begin to decline from 2017 to the present. The continued operation of non-environmentally friendly fishing gear, such as Arad (a type of trawl), and the implementation of legislation policies that have not been effective have made the problem of small-scale fisheries in Semarang City more complex. The purpose of this study is to review the elements of strategic policy for small-scale fisheries management in Semarang City based on the actor elements, constraint elements, the need elements and the program elements to be sustainable. The data analysis method used the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) technique. The results of this study showed that there are four system elements in the strategic policy of small-scale fisheries management in Semarang City, namely actor elements, constraint elements, the need elements and program elements. As the main actor in small-scale fisheries management in Semarang City are fisher and the Semarang City Fisheries Agency; the main constraints are overcapacity, decreasing catches, environmentally unfriendly arrests and ineffective regulation; the main needs are to conserve fish resources and increase fisher's income; and the main program is limitation environmentally unfriendly fishing gear.
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