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2. Optionally, authors may suggest two or more reviewers (name, contact email, and affiliation) in the cover letter and/or in comments to the editor.
3. Please complete the requested metadata
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Articles received in the Tropical Fisheries Management Journal are results of research, policy analysis/methodology, and scientific reviews relating to the management of tropical fisheries resources. Articles must be original writings that have never been published in national or international scientific journals. Manuscripts are typed using the Microsoft Word program using English, typed in one space, each page is given a page number, page layout: paper (letter), margins (top, bottom, right, left = 1.27 cm) in size Customizable letters are in the journal template. Words to be italicized are underlined or immediately italicized, capital letters are only used at the beginning of the word from the article title, paragraph title, scientific name, and the name of the city or country (place) in Latin binomial or trinomial form. International System Units (SI), including those derived from, must be used. Then the manuscript should not exceed 15 typed pages and include tables and figures.
Manuscripts are arranged in the following order: title, author's name, affiliation, and e-mail (only correspondence); abstract; keywords; introduction; method used; results; discussion; conclusion; acknowledgements (if needed), and bibliography.
TITLE: Title in Indonesian and English. The title should be no more than 15 words and describe the contents of the manuscript, followed by the author's name, affiliation.
ABSTRACT: The abstract is presented concisely and with a maximum of 250 words. The abstract is written in Indonesian and English, then followed by keywords. Keywords consist of 4–6 words/phrases arranged alphabetically.
INTRODUCTION: The introduction describes the background and purpose of the research in a concise manner and does not use sub-chapters.
METHODS: The method is explained briefly and delivered properly. This chapter is arranged sequentially, starting from the time and place/location, tools and materials, research procedures used, and data analysis.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Results and discussion are written separately in sub-chapters.
Results: described concisely and describe all the results of the study.
Discussion:, concise, non-repetitive, and using scientific literature.
TABLE: Table numbering is done in sequence. The table number must be identified in the text. The title is concise, and the table is placed in the body of the writing (not on a separate page). Letters and numbers are in the table.
FIGURE: The numbering of images is done sequentially and must be identified in the text, images in the form of graphics, maps, and photographs must be of good quality and placed in the body of the writing (not on a separate page).
CONCLUSION: written concisely and considering the title, purpose, and objectives of the study.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: contains thanks to partners or research donors who provide research funds (if needed).
REFERENCES: should be listed alphabetically and should be the last 5-year publication of an international or national journal. Libraries must be written from published or unpublished sources, such as journals, books, chapter books, theses, theses, or dissertations. A bibliography must be arranged alphabetically, starting with the first author. The bibliography format is used here.
Examples of writing a bibliography and references:
Author Name (last name, first name, middle name). Publication Year. Title. Journal Name. Volume (Edition):
page. doi number
* One person author:
Hakim AA. (2019). Analysis of River Order and Distribution of Stadia as the Basis for Determining Regions
Protection of Eel Fish (Anguilla spp.) In the Cimandiri Watershed, West Java. Journal of Tropical
Fisheries Management. 3 (1): 1-9.
Reference ..... (Hakim, 2019) or Hakim (2019)
* The author of two people:
Hakim AA, Kamal MM. (2019). Analysis of River Order and Distribution of Stadia as the Basis for Determination Eel Protection Area (Anguilla spp.) In the Cimandiri Watershed, West Java. Journal of
Tropical Fisheries Management. 3 (1): 1-9.
Reference ..... (Hakim and Kamal 2019) or Hakim and Kamal (2019)
* The author of three people:
Hakim AA, Kamal MM, Butet NA, & ​​Affandi R. (2019). Analysis of River Order and Stadia Distribution
As the basis for determining the protected area for eel (Anguilla spp.) In the Cimandiri watershed,
West Java. Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management. 3 (1): 1-9.
Reference ..... (Hakim et al. 2019) or Hakim et al. (2019)
Authors name. Publication Year. Book title. City of Publication. and Issuer Name. page
Antoni A. 2020. Light Adaptation to the Growth Performance of Pomfret Fish. Bogor: IPB Press. 301 p.
Thesis / Thesis / Dissertation:
Authors name. Publication Year. Title [Thesis / Thesis / Dissertation]. Faculty. City name. College.
Antoni A. 2019. Light Adaptation to the Growth Performance of Pomfret Fish [Thesis]. Faculty of Fisheries
and Marine Science. Bogor: IPB University.
Antoni A. 2019. Light Adaptation to the Growth Performance of Pomfret Fish [Thesis]. Faculty of Fisheries
and Marine Science. Bogor: IPB University.
Antoni A. 2019. Light Adaptation to the Growth Performance of Pomfret Fish [Dissertation]. Faculty
Fisheries and Marine Science. Bogor: IPB University.
Articles in Books:
Authors name. Publication Year. Title. Place of Publication (country code): Name of Publisher. page
Hakim AA. 1998. Species Diversity Measures. In: Cummings B (ed). Ecological Methodology, 2nd edition. London: Pearson. pp 151-169.
Patent inventor's name, the word "inventor"; Patent Holder Institution. Patent Publication Date (year and month date). Patent Title. Name of Country Granting Patent [country code] patent number
Hakim AA, Antoni A, Inventor; Bogor Agricultural Institute. 2017 December 15. Composition of Probiotics for Prevention of Disease in Koi Fish. Indonesian Patent ID 0030739.
Authors name. Publication Year. Article Title. Title of Publication or Name of Scientific Meeting, or both; meeting time (year month date) city of meeting place, name of country. place of publication (code of country): Issuer Name. Articles page.
For example:
Antoni A, Judge AA. 2020. Mangrove Vegetation Condition in Kuala Langsa, Aceh. International Symposium Aquatic Resources Management, Highland to Ocean (H2O); 2020 Nov 16-17; Bogor, Indonesia. Bogor (ID): Department of Aquatic Resources Management. pp. 58-70.
Authors name. Publication Year. (year month date). Title. Newspaper Name. Section Information (if any) replaces Volume and Edition: The starting page number of the article (column number)
Hakim AA. 2020 Dec 30. Current Condition of Mangrove Forest, Serambi News. Opinion Update: 5 (col 3-5)
Note: For authors of more than two people, all author names are written in the bibliography.
Manuscripts can be sent via the Open Journal System (OJS) in the journal website online submission