Evaluasi Kebijakan Cycle Count Inventory Menggunakan Metode Cycle Counting

  • Edo Rantou Wijaya Politeknik ATI Padang
  • Vivi Febrianti Politeknik ATI Padang
Keywords: cycle counting, discrepancy, stratification


PT ABC is a 3PL (Third Party Logistics) company that provides outsourcing logistics services to companies or individuals to carry out one or more functions within the supply chain. One of the activities of supply chain management in the X retail warehouse PT ABC is the inventory section for cycle counting activities. Cycle counting is a process of validating the accuracy of inventory continuously on a daily or weekly or monthly or annual basis, so that each item owned can be counted several times in one year. Problems that occurred at warehouse X PT ABC is the frequent discrepancy between the amount of physical stock and the stock in the inventory division system (discrepancy) in warehouse X PT A B C. The cycle counting method is based on the category of speed in and out of an item. There are four categories, namely goods that have a high speed in and out of the warehouse in the fast-moving category, goods that have a low speed in and out of the warehouse in the slow-moving category, goods that have a very low speed in and out of the warehouse in the non-moving category, and goods that have a very low speed in and out of the warehouse zero warehouses in the potential dead stock category. The aim of this research is to evaluate cycle counting activities at warehouse X PT ABC with a stratified sampling method taking into account the level of accuracy, frequency of inventory calculations, and number of samples per frequency. Calculation results using the cycle counting method at warehouse X PT ABC has a high level of accuracy, namely 98.83 with a cycle frequency of 200 times and the number of samplings per frequency of 22583 items.


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How to Cite
WijayaE. R., & FebriantiV. (2024). Evaluasi Kebijakan Cycle Count Inventory Menggunakan Metode Cycle Counting. MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah, 19(1), 27-32. https://doi.org/10.29244/mikm.19.1.27-32
Vol. 19 No. 1