Strategi Pemulihan Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Nasabah PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk. Regional Jakarta 1

  • Sami Gauzi Bank Syariah Indonesia
  • Musa Hubeis Departemen Manajemen, FEM IPB
  • Wini Trilaksani Departemen Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Fakultas Peternakan IPB
Keywords: AHP, financing relaxation, Islamic Bank, MSME, risk analysis, SWOT


The COVID-19 pandemic caused economic instability, affecting small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The aims of the study were (1) to analyze the real conditions of SMEs customers of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk (BSI) during and after the Covid-19 pandemic; (2) to determine the SMEs recovery strategy after the Covid-19 pandemic for customers of BSI; and (3) to formulate the SMEs recovery strategy after the Covid-19 pandemic for customers of BSI. The study was conducted on customers of BSI Regional Jakarta 1. The research period from July to December 2023. The analysis methods used descriptive analysis, Business Impact Analysis, SWOT analysis, and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Results showed shifts in risk among SMEs from 2020 to 2023, with agriculture being low-risk and transportation high-risk. SWOT analysis provided alternative strategies namely (1) enhancing digital financing financing services; (2) offering technology-based business training and mentoring programs; (3) enhancing financial literacy through tech-based education; and (4) providing inclusive Financing Relaxation Programs. The AHP analysis emphasized the importance of targeted financing relaxation, assigning it a high weight score of 0,565 as the primary strategy for SMEs recovery post-COVID-19.


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How to Cite
GauziS., HubeisM., & TrilaksaniW. (2024). Strategi Pemulihan Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Nasabah PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk. Regional Jakarta 1. MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah, 19(2), 113-121.
Vol. 19 No. 2