Characteristics of dry noodles based on sago flour enriched with skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) Karakteristik mi kering berbasis tepung sagu yang diperkaya ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis)

Christina Litaay, Joko Santoso, Bambang Hariyanto, Ashri Indriati, Moeso Andrianto, Pradeka Brilyan Purwandoko, Nurhaidar Rahman, Indriawati Indriawati, Sandi Sufiandi


Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest consumption of instant noodles. The demand for wheat imports has increased along with the increased consumption of noodles made from wheat flour. Sago flour is recommended for use as a raw material for noodles. The nutritional content of fish can increase the nutritional value of noodle products. This study aimed to determine the optimal concentration of skipjack tuna flour for sago flour-based dry noodles based on their lightness value and consumer preferences. The study included five treatments for sago-based dry noodles: control, skipjack tuna flour 2, 4, 6, and 8%. Dry noodles were then analyzed for lightness value and organoleptic. The best treatment then analyzed chemical composition (protein and ash content) and microstructure. The addition of skipjack tuna flour had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the lightness, aroma, and overall parameters. The lightness, aroma, and overall value of the 8% skipjack tuna flour were better than the control and other treatment noodles. Dry noodles with the addition of 8% skipjack tuna flour had a fragrant aroma, slightly less clear color, a delicious noodle taste, and a texture close to chewy; therefore, it was still acceptable to panelists. The noodle treatment with the incorporation of 8% skipjack tuna flour produced a high protein content of 5.56% (dw) and ash content of 1.12% (dw). Noodles with skipjack tuna flour (8%) have slightly truncated elliptical granules, and wheat noodles have elliptical granules.


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Christina Litaay (Primary Contact)
Joko Santoso
Bambang Hariyanto
Ashri Indriati
Moeso Andrianto
Pradeka Brilyan Purwandoko
Nurhaidar Rahman
Indriawati Indriawati
Sandi Sufiandi
Litaay C., Santoso J., Hariyanto B., Indriati A., Andrianto M., Purwandoko P. B., Rahman N., Indriawati I., & Sufiandi S. (2024). Characteristics of dry noodles based on sago flour enriched with skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis): Karakteristik mi kering berbasis tepung sagu yang diperkaya ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) . Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(12), 1181-1194.

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