Optimasi penambahan karagenan dan minyak asiri bawang putih pada edible coating dengan response surface methodology Optimization of kappa carrageenan and garlic essential oil addition in edible coating using response surface methodology

Rahmi Nurdiani, Muhamad Firdaus, Retno Tri Astuti, Putri Yasmin, Adnan Fauzi, Omega Tantia Ningsih, Dwi Anggraini Puspitasari, Meita Putri Delima


Protein-based edible coatings, such as gelatin, can help preserve product quality and extend shelf life while also serving as carriers for bioactive additives. The addition of kappa carrageenan enhanced the strength and stability of the coating, whereas garlic essential oil improved its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties through the presence of allicin and phenolic compounds. This study aimed to optimize the addition of carrageenan and garlic essential oils to produce edible coatings with optimal antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The experimental method used Design Expert software version 13 with two factors: kappa carrageenan (0.7–1.3 g) and garlic essential oil (0.9–1.5 mL). Results showed that the best antioxidant and antimicrobial responses were obtained with 1.2 g of carrageenan and 1.4 mL of garlic essential oil, resulting in an antimicrobial response of 3.71 mm against Escherichia coli and 4.75 mm against Staphylococcus aureus, with an antioxidant activity of 57.5%. The highest amino acid content in catfish gelatin was glycine at 261,366.93 mg/kg, L-proline at 122,232.03 mg/kg, and L-arginine at 92,390.47 mg/kg. The addition of carrageenan and garlic essential oil enhances the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of edible coatings, making them promising eco-friendly alternatives for active packaging.


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Rahmi Nurdiani
rahmi_nurdiani@ub.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Muhamad Firdaus
Retno Tri Astuti
Putri Yasmin
Adnan Fauzi
Omega Tantia Ningsih
Dwi Anggraini Puspitasari
Meita Putri Delima
Author Biography

Rahmi Nurdiani, Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya

Fishery Product Technology Department

Nurdiani R., Firdaus M., Astuti R. T., Yasmin P., Fauzi A., Ningsih O. T., Puspitasari D. A., & Delima M. P. (2024). Optimasi penambahan karagenan dan minyak asiri bawang putih pada edible coating dengan response surface methodology: Optimization of kappa carrageenan and garlic essential oil addition in edible coating using response surface methodology. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(9), 765-781. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v27i9.51539

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