Karakteristik fisikokimia petis bubuk dari rebusan udang dengan jenis bahan pengisi yang berbeda Physicochemical characteristics of petis powder from boiled shrimp with different types of filling ingredients
Powdered shrimp paste is a dried and ground form of the shrimp paste. Fillers are often added to petis to expedite the cooking process and enhance the total volume of petis. It is essential to select an appropriate type of filler to ensure that the quality of the petis remains high. The objective of this study was to identify an optimal filler material based on the chemical and physical properties of powdered petis. The present study employed a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) comprising three treatments and three replicates. The study utilized wheat flour, rice flour, and purple sweet potato flour as fillers for the treatment. The quality parameters that were evaluated included hedonic testing, water content, protein, ash, fat, aw, pH, flow time, angle of repose, water absorption capacity, color, and appearance as analyzed through a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the different filler materials had a significant impact (p<0.05) on these quality parameters. Wheat flour is the most effective filler because of its exceptionally high rehydration rate of 81%. Powdering and drying petis is a viable option for enhancing the shelf life of a product and ensuring that its quality remains intact.
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