Karakteristik mutu dan kandungan senyawa volatil bekasam cumi-cumi dengan lama fermentasi yang berbeda Quality and volatile compound content characteristics of fermented squid bekasam with different fermentation durations
Squid, commonly known as Uroteuthis chinensis, is highly esteemed in Indonesia for both its delectable flavor and distinctive texture.The transformation of squid into bekasam not only prolongs its shelf life but also enhances its nutritional content. The objective of this study was to identify the optimal fermentation period for squid tamarind by evaluating its chemical quality characteristics, lactic acid bacterial count, sensory attributes, and volatile compound content. The preparation of fermented squid bekasam involves immersing the squid in a saline solution containing 15% salt and incorporating 40% (w/w) rice carbohydrate, which was then subjected to fermentation. The duration of the fermentation process is a critical factor to consider when producing bekasam because it has a direct impact on the quality of the final product. The investigative technique employed was an experimental laboratory strategy employing a completely randomized design (CRD) with three distinct fermentation durations: 3, 5, and 7 days, with each replicate repeated three times. The data were analyzed using appropriate statistical tests. Parametric data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD follow-up test, while non-parametric data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. The variables assessed included moisture content, pH, total lactic acid bacteria (LAB), sensory evaluation, and volatile compound content. Fermented squid bekasam that has been allowed to ferment for 3 days has been found to yield the best results, with the following parameters: a moisture content of 62.11%, a pH level of 4.07, a total lactic acid bacteria count of 9.05 log cfu/g, and a hedonic test score within the confidence interval of 3.75<µ<4.05. The results of this study demonstrate that the fermentation process used to produce fermented squid bekasam for three days is optimal for achieving the desired characteristics. The predominant volatile compounds were esters, alcohols, and amines, while other identified compounds included acids, aldehydes, ketones, terpenoids, carotenoids, sesquiterpenoids, phenylpropanoids, aromatic carbonates, and carbonyls. The findings of this study reveal that the process of fermenting squid into bekasam products requires a period of three days to yield high-quality fermented squid bekasam products.
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