Karakteristik kimia dan keamanan mikroba tepung ikan teri hitam (Stolephorus commersonii) Chemical characteristics and microbial safety of commerson’s anchovy meal (Stolephorus commersonnii)

Christina Litaay, Ashri Indriati, Raden Cecep Erwan Andriansyah, Fithria Novianti, Pradeka Brilyan Purwandoko, Nurhaidar Rahman, Laela Nuraini, Nurhamidar Rahman, Taufik Hidayat


Commerson's anchovy (Stolephorus commersonii) is a small pelagic fish renowned for its high nutritional content. Commerson's anchovy holds significant economic importance, yet its utilization remains largely traditional. One potential means of enhancing the value of Commerson's anchovy is through product diversification, specifically in the form of fish meal. The objective of this study was to identify the properties of Commerson's anchovy meal by examining its chemical makeup, mineral content, and microbial contamination. The research method employs an experimental approach to process fish by modifying the water immersion medium at a temperature of 25 °C for a period of 15 min. The following parameters were examined: proximate analysis; mineral content (iron, magnesium, and calcium); and microbial contamination, including Total Plate Count (TPC), yeast and mold, and Escherichia coli. The analysis yielded the following results pertaining to anchovy flour: protein 70.16%, moisture 9.62%, ash 14.85%, and fat 4.55%. Additionally, the flour contains iron at a rate of 5.99 mg/g, magnesium at 163.565 mg/g, and calcium at 6179.95 mg/g. The assessment of the product's microbial quality revealed that the Total Plate Count (TPC) was 1.15 colonies/g, with the presence of yeast and molds being less than 10 colonies/g, and Escherichia coli was absent.


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Christina Litaay
christina_litaay@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Ashri Indriati
Raden Cecep Erwan Andriansyah
Fithria Novianti
Pradeka Brilyan Purwandoko
Nurhaidar Rahman
Laela Nuraini
Nurhamidar Rahman
Taufik Hidayat
LitaayC., IndriatiA., AndriansyahR. C. E., NoviantiF., PurwandokoP. B., RahmanN., NurainiL., RahmanN., & HidayatT. (2023). Karakteristik kimia dan keamanan mikroba tepung ikan teri hitam (Stolephorus commersonii): Chemical characteristics and microbial safety of commerson’s anchovy meal (Stolephorus commersonnii). Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 26(3). https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v26i3.48355

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