Karakteristik organoleptik dan kimia kue kering dengan penambahan daging dan tepung keong bakau (Telescopium telescopium) Organoleptic and chemistry characteristics of pastries with the addition of mangrove snail meat and powder (Telescopium telescopium)
Pastries are small, crispy, thin, and flat cakes with a sweet and savory taste. They can be a practical and healthy alternative snack if ingredients are added during the manufacturing process to positively impact one's health. The possibility exists to add mangrove snail meat to create nutritious pastries that are appealing to consumers. This study aimed to determine the optimal chemical and sensory properties of pastries containing mangrove snail meat (Telecopium telescopium). The treatments consisted of a control treatment (A0) with no addition of snail meat or flour, 15% mangrove snail minced meat (A1), 15% mangrove snail flour (A2), and a combination of 7.5% mangrove snail minced meat and 7.5% mangrove snail flour (A3). The study observed various chemical parameters, namely moisture content, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrates by difference and the mineral calcium, as well as physical parameters such as appearance, taste, smell, and texture. To process the data, we used analysis of variance (ANOVA) with three replications. If significant effects appear, we will continue with the Duncan test. The chemical composition of pastries including mangrove snail meat was analyzed, resulting in moisture contents ranging from 4.92% to 6.81%, lipid levels between 20.7% and 27.68%, ash concentrations of 2.4%-3.06%, protein levels of 8.46%-15.46%, and carbohydrate levels of 50.6%-58.3%. Additionally, mineral calcium levels ranged from 0.88 ppm to 6.29 ppm. Sensory evaluations indicated a range of preferences from dislike to really like, with the highest rating among samples containing 15% mangrove snail minced meat (treatment A1). Consequently, treatment A1 is recommended as the optimal choice based on both sensory and nutritional factors.
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