Penggunaan gelatin kulit ikan cobia (Rachycentron canadum) untuk perbaikan karakteristik fruit leather buah naga merah The use of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) skin gelatin to improve the characteristics of red dragon fruit leather

Annisa Amalia Febrianti, Eko Susanto, Lukita Purnamayati, Sumardianto Sumardianto, Slamet Suharto


Fish gelatin is a biopolymer derived from the hydrolysis of fish collagen. This collagen can be obtained from fish processing by-product including cobia skin. The objective of this study was to determine the best gelatin concentration in producing fruit leather. Fruit leather was produced from red dragon fruit. The research approach utilized a completely random design with varying amounts of gelatin (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2%). Tensile strength, thickness, color, moisture, protein, antioxidant activity, and anthocyanin content were observed. All parameters of the treatment exhibited statistically significant (p<5%) differences in response to each treatment after gelatin addition. The highest value was obtained from the treatment of 2% of cobia skin gelatin, which had the following characteristics: tensile strength of 1.56 Mpa, thickness of 2.23 mm, color L* 28.35; a* 7.70; b* 8.64, water content of 16.66%, protein content of 14.96%, antioxidant activity of 41.21%, and anthocyanin content of 5.43 mg/100 g. Fruit leather of red dragon fruit can be improved by adding gelatin from cobia fish skin.


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Annisa Amalia Febrianti
Eko Susanto (Primary Contact)
Lukita Purnamayati
Sumardianto Sumardianto
Slamet Suharto
FebriantiA. A., SusantoE., PurnamayatiL., SumardiantoS., & SuhartoS. (2023). Penggunaan gelatin kulit ikan cobia (Rachycentron canadum) untuk perbaikan karakteristik fruit leather buah naga merah: The use of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) skin gelatin to improve the characteristics of red dragon fruit leather. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 26(2), 177-190.

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