Purifikasi Minyak Mata Tuna Kaya DHA (Thunnus sp.) dengan Variasi Adsorben Purification of Fish Oil Tuna Eyes (Thunnus sp.) Rich-DHA with Various Adsorbents
Essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 with a high content of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), have been reported on by-products in various world studies over the last 10 years. On the other hand, the raw material for fish oil omega-3 in Indonesia is generally dominated by imported oil. Uniquely, omega-3 sources can be obtained from by-products of the fisheries processing industry such as tuna eyes. Utilization of the by-products of the tuna processing industry can be a source of renewable raw materials as well as an effort to handle and utilize fishery by-products. However, the quality of fish oil produced from fishery by-products generally does not meet the quality standard, namely the high peroxide value. The peroxide number indicates the occurrence of primary oxidation in fish oil. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of various adsorbents concerning previous research to reduce peroxide values in tuna eye oil. This research method uses three types of adsorbents, namely magnesol, bentonite, and zeolite. The results showed that the neutralization treatment of 16°Be followed by bleaching using magnesol was able to reduce the peroxide value from 56.62±7.07 meq/kg to 11.28±0.73 meq/kg, bentonite to 35.21±2.81 meq/kg, and zeolite to 35.65±1.89 meq/kg. Purification of tuna eye oil using magnesol was the best treatment in reducing peroxide value when compared to bentonite and zeolite adsorbents. The effectiveness of the reduction reached 80% in reducing the peroxide value in tuna eye oil.
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