Pemanfaatan Kombinasi Rumput Laut dan Ubi Jalar Ungu yang Ditambahkan Garam Rumput Laut sebagai Minuman Kaya Serat Characterization of Powder Drink based on Sargassum Seaweed, Purple Sweet Potatoes, and Seaweed Salts
Sargassum sp. has the potential to be developed into powdered drink products, but the drawbacks are a fishy aroma and blackish color. The combination with purple sweet potato, seaweed salt, and red ginger was done to increase the acceptability and functional value. This study aims to characterize powder drinks based on Sargassum sp., purple sweet potato, and red ginger and analyze the effect of adding seaweed salt. The stages of this research are drying raw materials into powder, making formulations and analysis. Formulation 1 consists of Sargassum sp. 25%, purple sweet potato 45%, red ginger 15%, and low-calorie sugar 15%. Formulation 2 consists of Sargassum sp. 22.5%, purple sweet potato 42.5%, red ginger 15%, low-calorie sugar 15%, and brown seaweed salt 5%. The results of the water-soluble dietary fiber test were 5.06% (F1) and 5.14% (F2), while the insoluble dietary fiber reached 22.62% (F1) and 20.09% (F2). The minerals contained were calcium 6.53–7.35 mg/g, potassium 7.41–9.075 mg/g, magnesium 3.16–3.28 mg/g, sodium 1.95–6.32 mg/g, and 0.07 mg/g iron. The activity of powdered drink water was 0.29. The acid-insoluble ash content in the product was only 0.15-0.20% and the heavy metals content were still below the maximum limit. Alkaloid, flavonoid, triterpenoid, phenol, tannin, and glycoside were among the phytochemical compounds found. The antioxidant activity values were 86.708 mol trolox/g (F1) and 87.499 mol trolox/g (F2).
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