Potensi Sumber Daya Hayati Rumput Laut di Pantai Pulau Ambon sebagai Bahan Makanan The Potential of Seaweed Resources on the Coastal of Ambon Island as Food Ingredient
Seaweed is a marine resource that has diversity and is rich in nutrients. Seaweed is often used for various industrial purposes, both in food, and non-food industries. This study aims to determine the potential of seaweed biological resources in the coastal waters of Ambon. This research method is a quadratic transect method. At every 10-meter interval from the shoreline, macroalgae biomass sampling was carried out on a 50 x 50 m iron frame. The data were analyzed based on the ecological index, namely the species composition and the frequency of presence, besides the potential of seaweed as a food ingredient Seaweed identified as many as 23 species of seaweed belonging to the Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta, and Chlorophyta groups. Tawiri coastal waters have the highest type of seaweed at 39%. The highest composition of seaweed in Tawiri Beach is 14 species from 10 genera consisting of 6 species of Rhodophyceae, 4 species of Chlorophyceae, and 4 species of Phaeophyceae. The highest frequency of presence of seaweed in coastal waters is 12.5%. Types of seaweed that have the potential to be used as food are Rhodophyceae (Gracilaria, Hypnea), Phaeophyceae (Sargassum, Turbinaria, Padina), Chlorophyceae (Halimeda and Ulva). Seaweed, apart from being a commercial food source, is also developed as an industrial raw material.
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