Karakteristik Daging Tiruan (Meat Analog) dengan Optimasi Formulasi Substitusi Rumput Laut menggunakan Mixture Design Characteristics of Meat Analog with Formula Optimization of Seaweed Substitution using Mixture Design

Bambang Riyanto, Utami Dyah Syafitri, Joko Santoso, Endina Fatihah Yasmin


Meat analogues or alternative meats based on vegetable protein have given consumers preference for the importance of health. The natural potential with the characteristics of seaweed offers a new perspective on meat analogues. The design and formulation strategy becomes important. This study was aimed to determine the meat analogue by optimizing the seaweed substitution formulation using mixture design. The research includes characterization of ingredients, manufacture of meat analog and optimization of seaweed substitution formula using mixture design and characterization of seaweed substituted meat analogs. The optimal formula using a mixture design resulted in substitution of 45% seaweed flour with 40% soybean flour and 15% corn flour. Meat analog with optimization of seaweed substitution formulation has the shape of a burger with a diameter of 5 cm, a thickness of 2 cm and a weight of 50 g, sensory appearance of fibrous, yellowish brown color and a distinctive taste of meat. Texture characteristics with a hardness value of 2,385.90 0.02 gf, springiness 0.83±0.01, chewiness 1.52±0.02 and water holding capacity 6.19±0.04 and a protein content of 10.16%±0.01, carbohydrates 46.79%±0.03 and ash 2.50%±0.02, which resembles commercial meat analogs and complies with SNI 8503-2018 for burgers.


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Bambang Riyanto
bambangriyanto@apps.ipb.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Utami Dyah Syafitri
Joko Santoso
Endina Fatihah Yasmin
RiyantoB., SyafitriU. D., SantosoJ., & YasminE. F. (2022). Karakteristik Daging Tiruan (Meat Analog) dengan Optimasi Formulasi Substitusi Rumput Laut menggunakan Mixture Design: Characteristics of Meat Analog with Formula Optimization of Seaweed Substitution using Mixture Design. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 25(2), 268-280. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v25i2.39942

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