Chemical and Microbiological Properties of Buduk, A Commercial Fish Sauce from West Kalimantan

Risa Nofiani, Endang Elminah, Puji Ardiningsih


Buduk is a fish sauce prepared by fermenting fresh small fish with various ingredients such as sugar,
roasted rice, vinegar or wine. This study was aimed to assess the physicochemical and microbiological
properties of commercial buduk in the Province of West Kalimantan. The Buduk had pH 5-55, moisture
52.35%, salt 1.96%, titrated acid 10.80%, free amino nitrogen 1.83 mmol/g, free fatty acid 17.96%, ethanol
0.95%, total of mesophilic bacteria 4.81 log CFU/g and lactic acid bacteria 2.09 CFU/g, but no pathogenic
bacteria detected. Each commercial buduk showed different physicochemical properties probably caused
by variation in recipe of each producer. The microbiological properties did not significantly different but the
TMAB found more than the threshold value indicating


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Risa Nofiani (Primary Contact)
Endang Elminah
Puji Ardiningsih
NofianiR., ElminahE., & ArdiningsihP. (2019). Chemical and Microbiological Properties of Buduk, A Commercial Fish Sauce from West Kalimantan. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 22(3), 601-608.

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