Stability of Imported Commercial Fish Oils (Soft Gel) in East Java

Sugeng Heri Suseno, Agoes Mardiono Jacoeb, Dudu Abdulatip


Commercial fish oils (soft gel) have been widely traded in Indonesia, especially in East Java.The aim
of this research was to determine the quality and stability of fish oils (soft gel) in East Java examined by
Schaal oven method and to determine the amount of fatty acids in the commercial fish oil. The stability
of the commercial fish oil was determined based on peroxide value, anisidine value, and total oxidation
after the oils were stored at 40oC for 6 days. The experimental design used in this research was completely
Randomized Design (CRD) with a treatment time of storage (H-0, H-2, H-4 and H-6). The quality of the
commercial fish oils was in accordance with IFOS on the parameters of the FFA, peroxide value, anisidin,
and the total oxidation.The stability test results showed the fish oil quality decreased over time and only
anisidine value was still met the IFOS standards. Sample S4 was found containing the highest amount of
omega 3 ada EPA, while S3 contained the highest amount of DHA.


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Sugeng Heri Suseno (Primary Contact)
Agoes Mardiono Jacoeb
Dudu Abdulatip
Heri SusenoS., Mardiono JacoebA., & AbdulatipD. (2019). Stability of Imported Commercial Fish Oils (Soft Gel) in East Java. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 22(3), 589-600.

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