Antimicrobial Activity of Kluwek (Pangium edule) Seed Extract as Natural Preservatives of Tuna Fish Ball

Christine Fransin Mamuaja, Frans Lumoindong


Kluwek seeds (Pangium edule) contain antimicrobial compounds that can be categorized as preservative
agents. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of kluwek seeds extract
against microbiological quality, sensory quality and shelf life of tuna fish balls. This study applied a factorial
completely randomized design with various extract concentrations and storage duration treatments, each
of which conducted in triplicate. In this study, the fishballs were immersed in 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% b/v
extract for 60 minutes, then stored for three days at room temperature (28-30ºC). The results showed that
the the highest inhibitory activity against microbial growth was exhibited by meatballs immersed in 8%
concentration, in which total microbial load up to the third day storage was 1,32 x 102 CFU/g which was
in the INS range of quality for fish ball (1 x 107). Fishballs without storage (0 day) was more acceptable by
panelists when compared to fishballs from 1, 2, and 3 days storage in terms of organoleptic acceptability.
Fishballs were still accepted organoleptically only until one day storage, while fishballs stored for 2 and 3
days have deteriorated based on visual observation of the color, odor, taste and texture.


Christine Fransin Mamuaja (Primary Contact)
Frans Lumoindong
MamuajaC. F., & LumoindongF. (2017). Antimicrobial Activity of Kluwek (Pangium edule) Seed Extract as Natural Preservatives of Tuna Fish Ball. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 20(3), 592-601.

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