The Optimization of Frying Process of Tumpi-tumpi from Milkfish used Response Surface Methodology

Syahrul Syahrul, Rizal Syarief, Joko Hermanianto, Budi Nurtama


Tumpi-tumpi is a traditional food from South and West Sulawesi (ethnic Bugis-Makassar) using fish
as raw material. The quality parameters of tumpi-tumpi, especially in terms of oil absorption, color and
texture were affected by the condition of the frying process (including the percentage of coating materials,
temperature and frying time). This study was aimed to assess the production technology of the tumpi-tumpi
through frying process optimization of deep fat frying using Design Expert 7.0® software with Response
Surface Methodology (RSM) Box-Behnken Design producing an optimal response. The results showed that
the response of color (L value, ohue) and texture (hardness, cohesiveness) of tumpi-tupi were significantly
influenced by the percentage of coating materials as well as frying temperature and time. The optimization
using software Design Expert 7.0® with RSM Box-Behnken produced the optimal processing formula of
1.5% coating materials, 150oC frying temperature and 30 s frying time produced the tumpi-tumpi with
properties as follows: 62.25 of L (lightness) value indicating a bit light, 78.73 of ohue indicating yellow red
color, 15407.60 gs hardness reflecting moderat hardness and 0.51 g/g cohesiveness impressing slight chewy.


Syahrul Syahrul (Primary Contact)
Rizal Syarief
Joko Hermanianto
Budi Nurtama
SyahrulS., SyariefR., HermaniantoJ., & NurtamaB. (2018). The Optimization of Frying Process of Tumpi-tumpi from Milkfish used Response Surface Methodology. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 20(3), 432-445.

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