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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a Times New Roman 12-point font; spacing 1.5; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). All graphics and figures should be printed by Laser printer, or prepared in separate sheet using Excel program and included in the soft copy of manuscript.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • If submitting a manuscript (Starting on September 18th 2023), we agree to pay a fee of IDR 500,000 after the section editor process is complete. This fee is not a guarantee that the manuscript can be published.

Author Guidelines

                            SCOPE, POLICY, AND AUTHORS GUIDELINES

Author Fee

All accepted articles will be published on payment of an article-processingcharge,but will be freely available to all readers. Jurnal Mutu Pangan : Indonesian Journal of Food Quality charges the following author fees. Article publication fees: 500,000,00 (IDR).

If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an article publication fee to cover publications costs.


Submission Charge

Jurnal Mutu Pangan : Indonesian Journal of Food Quality does not apply any submission charge.


Journal Scope

Indonesian Journal of Food Quality is a scientific publication in food science and technology, quality systems and food safety, nutrition and health, and its applications. Articles contained in the form of research results and brief information that have never been published in any media, except in the form of academic scientific works (undergraduate or graduate thesis, or dissertation), or abstracts presented in seminars or conferences.


Types of manuscript

Research article

Is the result of a study written no more than 4500 words (including tables and pictures). The writing format includes: Research title, author’s name and institution, abstract (English and Indonesian), practical application, introduction, material and method, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgement (if any), and references.

Short communication

Informing reports or literature studies that are comprehensive and specific to a particular field, which shows an important contribution for development of food science and technology. The number of words is not more than 3000, including tables and images. Writing format consists of: Information title (Indonesian and English), author's name and institution, abstract (English and Indonesian), introduction, contents of the review, conclusions, acknowledgment (if any), and bibliography. Short communicatio can also be written by following the format of the research article

Guideline for the manuscript content


  1. The title of the article is written briefly and informally that reflects the content, a maximum of 12 words.
  2. Indonesian and English titles are written using capital letters at the beginning of each word.
  3. The name of the author without a title and agency affiliation is written in full.


  1. Abstract is written in one paragraph in English (italics) and Bahasa, each with no more than 200 words.
  2. The abstract contains the main content of the article which includes the background, objectives, methods, and results of the study.


Keywords are written in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 5 words arranged alphabetically

Practical Application

The paragraph contains between 50-80 words in the form of an explanation of the potential application of the research results.


The introduction consists of background, relevant literature reviews, problem formulation and research objectives.

Materials and Methods

  1. The main material used must be clear specifications and sources.
  2. The general method simply includes the literature, while the specific method is explained in detail so that it can be reproducible.
  3. The tools used are specified except glassware.

Results and Discussion

  1. The table and image titles must be numbered in sequence.
  2. Discussion of research results accompanied by relevant literature.
  3. Decimal numbers are written with dots and are adjusted to the type of analysis.
  4. Data are presented in the form of a mean ± SD (standard deviation) in the table or picture. If data is needed accompanied by the results of statistical analysis.


Is the essence of the research result that refers to the research objectives. Conclusions can also be in the form of recommendations for the application of research results.

Acknowledgements (if any)

Is an expression of gratitude or appreciation to agencies or individuals who contributed in the research and article writing.


  1. The literature order is arranged alphabetically.
  2. The literature used is a minimum of 80% coming from journals published in the last 10 years.
  3. If there are, DOI numbers (Digital Object Identifier) and ISBN (International Standard Book Number) listed.
  4. Writing bibliography sourced from journals, books, academic scientific works (undergraduate and thesis, or dissertation), proceedings, patents and the internet example as follows:

Example of journal literature:

Giriwono PE, Shirakawa H, Ohsaki Y, Hata S, Sato S, Goto T, Komai M. 2012. Dietary supplementation with geranylgeraniol suppressed lipopoly- saccharide-induced inflammation via inhibition of nuclear factor-B activation in rats. Eur J Nutr 52(3): 1191-9. DOI: 10.1007/s00394-012-0429-y.

Examples of book literature:

Andarwulan  N,  Kusnandar  F,  Herawati  D.  2011.  Analisis  Pangan.  Dian Rakyat, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-979-078-374-4.

Examples of book literature with editors:

Dewanti-Hariyadi R, Gitapratiwi D. 2014. Foodborne Diseases: Prevalence of Foodborne Diseases in South East and Central Asia. Motajermi Y, editor. Encyclopedia  of  Food  Safety,  hal  287-294. B978-0-12-378612-8.00075-5. ISBN: 978-0-12-378613-5.

Examples of literature from undergraduate and graduate thesis, or dissertation):

Kulsum U. 2013. Konsumsi Tepung Kedelai dan Isolat Protein Kedelai Memengaruhi Profil  Reproduksi  Tikus  Jantan  dan  Betina  F0  dan  F1. [Tesis]. Bogor: Sekolah Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Examples of literature from proceedings:

Lioe HN, Warnasih S, Sutanto. 2013. Validasi metode analisis beta-karoten dengan HPLC-MWD pada matriks sampel minyak sawit. Munandar JM, Makhjib M, Saputra D, Sulaiman I, Elviana, editor. Prosiding Seminar Tahunan Maksi: Penguatan Penelitian Industri Kelapa Sawit yang Berkelanjutan, hal 179-88. ISBN: 978-602-14669-0-2.

Examples literature from patent writing:

Kusnandar F, Palupi NS, Syah D, penemu. Institut Pertanian Bogor. 2013 Feb 5.  Proses  produksi  dan  formulasi  mi  jagung  kering  yang disubstitusi dengan tepung jagung termodifikasi. Paten Indonesia ID P0032895.

Examples of literature from the internet:

Oliveira-Maia AJ,  Roberts CD, Walker QD,  Luo  B,  Kuhn C,  Simon  SA, Nicolelis MA. 2011.  Intravascular food reward. article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2FJournal.pone.0024992.

Article Submission Procedure

  1. Before sumbission lease download file (Submission Form at : and attach Author Agreement Declaration with the manuscript.
  2. Articles are typed using Microsoft Word, A4 paper, font type Times Roman, size 12pt, and space 1.5.
  3. Images and tables are made in separate pages (at the back) and included soft files (soft files) in Excel format and photo files with high resolution.
  4. Papers that have been presented at scientific meetings are given footnotes about the meeting (name, time and place).
  5. Research using animals or humans trrial (in vivo) should include ethical clearance.
  6. The correspondence writer lists the complete mailing address, email, telephone and facsimile number (including the area code). During the process of reviewing the script until it is published, the editor will communicate with the correspondence writer.
  7. The editor will return articles that do not meet the requirements for writing procedures.
  8. The author proposes 3 expert names as Reviewers for the process article review.
  9. Manuscripts that have been declared accepted will be arranged according to the format of the journal and sent to the author via email to obtain final correction and approval for publication. Correction results are returned to the editor within 5 working days. Editors have the right to change the title to be more relevant for the benefit of the reader. For the manuscript that has been declared accepted, the publishing contribution fee from the author will be requested for Rp. 500,000 per title of the manuscript.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.