Knowledge Management System For Forest and Land Fire Mitigation in Indonesia: A Web-Based Application Development
Forest and land fires in Indonesia have serious impacts on many aspects, including the environment, health, economy, politics, and international relations. They cause haze pollution that extends to neighboring countries and peatland degradation. Despite extensive research and mitigation efforts, forest and land fires continue to occur and cost lives. Therefore, effective management and mitigation strategies are required. This research developed a web-based knowledge management system (KMS) using the Laravel framework as an effective forest and land fire mitigation platform. The KMS aims to support decision-making, facilitate knowledge exchange, improve coordination between stakeholders, and expand access to relevant information, while maintaining the sustainability of forest and land resources in Indonesia. The KMS evaluation results cover two important aspects: blackbox evaluation and performance evaluation. The blackbox evaluation showed that KMS provides knowledge retrieval features based on expert knowledge. The performance evaluation revealed that the KMS provides easy and quick access to information on forest and land fire prevention and management. Thus, this research has great potential to help overcome the problem of forest and land fires in Indonesia and protect the environment and society from their adverse effects.
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