The expansion of built-up areas in Pekanbaru City represents a complex phenomenon with broad impacts on the urban environment. This study aims to formulate appropriate environmental management strategies in response to this trend. Utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, the study identifies land use changes between 2010 and 2022. Data from the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) indicates a significant decrease in forest or shrubland areas, while built-up areas, particularly in the Tampan and Tenayan Raya districts, have increased. The analysis suggests that effective policy strategies for managing the environmental impacts of built-up land should prioritize environmental preservation, economic collaboration, ecological citizenship movements, and community participation. Policy recommendations should focus on implementing effective policies, strengthening economic collaboration, conserving biodiversity, and empowering communities in environmental decision-making. These strategies are expected to enhance the quality of the built-up environment and, overall, improve the well-being of the people in Pekanbaru City.
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