Efforts towards rice self-sufficiency are crucial to reduce dependency on other countries for food, yet this poses a significant challenge. The need for land for development leads to a reduction in agricultural land. Policies to protect existing rice fields and increase rice production are highly strategic in the food system, as creating new agricultural land faces various constraints. Research findings indicate that the Regent Regulation on Spatial Planning of Banyumas District 2011-2031 is not fully capable of preventing the conversion of rice fields. This conversion of rice fields leads to a further decline in domestic rice supply, and rice self-sufficiency in Banyumas District is estimated to only last until 2029. Continuity in the implementation among key variables is the key to achieving the system's goals, namely: 1) the establishment of Regent Regulation on Agricultural Land Use Planning (LP2B), 2) the establishment of incentive schemes for land protection, 3) building a detailed spatial database of rice fields, and 4) developing irrigation water access as a variable that must be prioritized in the initial stage, followed by empowering priority farmer groups in the next stage, and increasing rice crop productivity as the subsequent resilience measure. Key actors driving the system include the Regent along with relevant agencies (Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Regional Development Planning Agency, Department of Public Works in the Irrigation Sector, Department of Housing and Settlement Areas), Regional People's Representative Assembly (DPRD), and the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN).
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