The conversion of agricultural land into built-up land is one of the factors causing the decline in rice production in Majalengka Regency and West Java Province. The agricultural sector still plays a vital role in local economic development, as evidenced by the GRDP of the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sector being the second highest after the processing industry. Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2011 regarding the Spatial Planning of Majalengka Regency 2011-2031 stipulates a minimum of 39,190 ha of sustainable agricultural land. However, this amount has decreased to 30,966 ha with the issuance of Majalengka Regent Decree No. 520/KEP.1279-DKP3/2021 on the Designation of Sustainable Agricultural Land. To mitigate the negative impact of the reduction in land area, policy formulations supporting the preservation of agricultural land and implementing sustainable farming practices by local governments and related stakeholders are necessary. These efforts aim to maintain the area of food agricultural land within the framework of achieving food self-sufficiency in the Majalengka Regency. The study shows that to meet food (rice) needs until 2045, according to the direction of the RPJPN Development, a protected rice field area of 48,235 ha is required, with a surplus of 4,037 tons of rice.
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