Pengetahuan, Preferensi serta Konsumsi Sayur dan Buah pada Anak di SDN Cilolohan Kota Tasikmalaya

Irma Nuraeni, Ima Karimah, Dina Setiawati


Vegetable and fruit consumption in Indonesia is still low. This can cause nutritional problems, including in school-age children. This study aimed to determine the description of knowledge, preferences, and consumption of vegetables and fruits among elementary school children at SDN Cilolohan Kota Tasikmalaya. This research method is descriptive-quantitative and was conducted in August 2023. The subjects of this study were grade 5 students aged 10–11 years. Non-random sample selection with the quota sampling technique amounted to 50 people. Knowledge and preference variables used structured questionnaires, while vegetable and fruit consumption used the 2x24-hour recall interview method. The average score of knowledge about vegetables and fruits was still lacking, which is 29.80±17.44. Most preferred vegetables and fruits are those with cooked processing, fresh state, and juice. The average consumption of vegetables and fruits was still below the recommendation of 27.10±39.75 g per person per day and 30.90±63.87 g per person per day. There is a need for effective studies in terms of promoting increased consumption of vegetables and fruits through school-home-based nutrition education intervention programs.



Irma Nuraeni (Primary Contact)
Ima Karimah
Dina Setiawati
NuraeniI., KarimahI. and SetiawatiD. (2023) “Pengetahuan, Preferensi serta Konsumsi Sayur dan Buah pada Anak di SDN Cilolohan Kota Tasikmalaya”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 2(4), pp. 264-268. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2023.2.4.264-268.
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