Pengaturan Pola Makan Rendah Karbon Melalui Pendidikan Low Carbon Diet pada Mahasiswa IPB Implementing Low Carbon Dietary Pattern trought Low Carbon Diet Education on IPB Students

Nia IManiar, Muhammad Aries, Muhammad Sabilal Muhajirin, Anny Nila Syauqiyyah, Muhammad Zaidan Ahsan


The problem of obesity, non-communicable diseases, and micronutrient deficiencies in Indonesiacontinues to increase as a consequence of poor dietary patterns. On the other hand, food systems are one of the main contributors to the increase in global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG-E) with carbon footprints contribute are 33% of the total food carbon footprint. Improvement of people's dietary patterns towards sustainable diet is needed for public health and environmental sustainability. This study aims to (1) Analyzing changes in respondents’s knowledge and attitudes at pre- and post- low carbon diet education; and (2) Analyzing changes in the level of nutritional adequacy and the food carbon footprint of the respondents at pre- and post- low carbon diet education. The method used is a quasi-experimental with pre- and post-test design through educational intervention with the same subject design. Low carbon diet education for IPB students can significantly increase the knowledge and attitudes of respondents. Furthermore, there was a 23.8% decrease in respondents' food carbon footprint after the intervention. In addition, low carbon diet education did not cause significant differences in the level of energy and macronutrient adequacy of the respondents. Thus, the low-carbon diet has the potential to be developed as a new approach in efforts to address climate change in Indonesia.


Nia IManiar
Muhammad Aries (Primary Contact)
Muhammad Sabilal Muhajirin
Anny Nila Syauqiyyah
Muhammad Zaidan Ahsan
ImaniarN., AriesM., MuhajirinM. S., SyauqiyyahA. N. and AhsanM. Z. (2022) “Pengaturan Pola Makan Rendah Karbon Melalui Pendidikan Low Carbon Diet pada Mahasiswa IPB: Implementing Low Carbon Dietary Pattern trought Low Carbon Diet Education on IPB Students”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 1(1), pp. 25-33. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2022.1.1.25-33.
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