AL-MUZARA'AH – Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance, is a collaborative journal of the Department of Islamic Economics, IPB University with the Indonesian Association of Islamic Economist (IAEI). The aim of the journal is to communicate and as the media of academic socialization by providing a platform for publication of research in the fields of Islamic economics, Islamic finance, Islamic microfinance, Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic agriculture, halal industry, Islamic social finance and poverty alleviation, Islamic law and sharia issues in economics and finance, Islamic securitization and sukuk, Islamic capital market, and other topics related to this area.

AL-MUZARA'AH has been Accredited SINTA Rank 2 by Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti RI) No 158/E/KPT/2021 which is valid for 5 (five) years since enacted on 9 December 2021. AL-MUZARA'AH has been registered in Google Scholar, Crossref, Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Dimensions, and EBSCO.


ISSN p: 2337-6333; e: 2615-7659

Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): AL-MUZARA'AH (December 2024)

Published: 2024-12-24

Revisiting Mudharabah Investment Account and Proposal for Improvement – Case of Indonesia

Afrid Wibisono, Hermanto Siregar, Rifki Ismal, Nirdukita Ratnawati, Ahmad Faizal Ismail


Digital Transparency and Consumer Awareness: Digital Platforms for Educating Consumers about Product Origins and Sustainability

Bakyt Tolegenov, Kevin Rafif, Muhammad Rafi, Rafidah Herawati, Asaduddin Abdullah, Linda Karlina Sari


Determinant Factors Influencing the Interest in Halal Certification: The Perspective of MSMEs in Indonesia

Maulida Dwi Agustiningsih, Ravika Mutiara Savitrah, Novita Nurul Islami, Putri Catur Ayu Lestari


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