Analisis Keberlanjutan Pembibitan Sapi Potong di BPTU-HPT Padang Mengatas
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Beef cattle breeding is one of the most important production factors and the quality of beef cattle breeds can affect the level of beef production. The increase in demand for beef is not followed by an increase in population and national beef productivity. The government is trying to fulfil the needs of domestic cattle breeds by establishing a Technical Implementation Unit for beef cattle breeding in various regions, one of which is Padang Mengatas BPTU-HPT. The most widely bred cattle breeders are local cattle, called pesisir’s cattle. Pesisir’s cattle are local cattle that have the potential to be developed because have several advantages over other local cattle. Therefore, in this study, it is needed to analyze the sustainability of pesisir’s cattle breeds in BPTU-HPT Padang Mengatas because pesisir’s cattle an important role as a meat supplier in West Sumatra whose population has decreased, it is necessary to see how sustainable the pesisir’s cattle are so that the supply of meat in West Sumatra is available sustainably with the germplasm of locally owned cattle. Data were processed using the Rap-Local Beef Cattle Breeding ordination technique through the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) method for sustainability analysis. Our results indicated the sustainability status of pesisir’s cattle breeding in multidimensional is quite sustainable because the index value is at an interval of 50,01 until 75,00 with a value of 72,89 in the economic dimension 67,96 in the ecological dimension 67,78 in the social dimension and 56,04 in the technological dimension.
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