Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Risiko Produksi Padi Pada Sistem Bagi Hasil Di Kabupaten Bone
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The sharecropping system has been used by Indonesian people for generations. Sharecropping agreements are made to expand the land cultivated by farmers to increase agricultural production. Specifically in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, there are two sharecropping types: Type 1 and Type 2. In Type 1, the tenant gets two shares, and the landowner receives one share of output, while the tenant bears almost all production input costs. In Type 2, the landowner and tenant get an equal share of the output because both parties share the costs of production inputs. In addition to sharing production inputs and outputs, sharecropping also involves sharing production risks. This study aimed to analyze the factors that affect the risk of sharecropping systems in type 1 and type 2. The research sample was determined using the snowball sampling method with a sample size of 65 type 1 farmers and 15 type 2 farmers. The data analysis method used was multiple linear regression analysis with the OLS model using SPP software. The production risk function model uses the Just and Pope risk model with the Cobb-Douglas production function. The results of this study concluded that in Type 1 and Type 2, there are differences in factors that significantly affect production risk. In type 1, the factors that significantly influence production risk are pesticides and age as a risk-reducing factor, while land area is a risk-inducing factor. As for type 2, pesticides and labour have a significant effect on inducing production risk, and there are no factors that have a significant impact on reducing production risk. The results of this study suggest that the use of type 1 can be done if tenants have capital, whereas if tenants do not have capital and only rely on their ability, they should choose type 2.
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