• Muhammad Nur Arkham Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Dumai
  • Roma Yuli F Hutapea Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Dumai
  • Andri Politeknik KP Dumai
  • Ratu Sari Mardiah Politeknik KP Dumai
  • Djunaidi Politeknik KP Dumai
Kata Kunci: Industrial fishermen, code of conduct for responsible fisheries, fisheries management, fishermen's perceptions.


The perception of fishermen regarding responsible capture fisheries based on the CCRF is of utmost importance. Guidelines for responsible fishing provide a framework for both national and international efforts to ensure the sustainable and responsible utilization of marine resources. The objective of this research is to understand the socio-economic characteristics and perceptions of purse seine fishermen at PT. Hasil Laut Sejati in Batam City regarding responsible fishing practices. The required data for this research includes both primary and secondary data sources. Primary data collection involves direct observations and interviews with fishermen. Secondary data for this research is obtained from reports from relevant agencies, journals, and research reports. The analysis of fishermen's perceptions of responsible capture fisheries is conducted using a Likert scale. The socio-economic characteristics of PT. Hasil Laut Sejati's fishermen in Batam City show that 60% have completed high school education, and the age of fishermen ranges from 20 to 30 years. In terms of economic characteristics, fishermen have an average income of 3 million per month. The fishermen's perceptions (Captain, Chief Mate, and Crew) indicate strong agreement with responsible capture fisheries, with 28% strongly agreeing, 45% agreeing, 23% disagreeing, and 3% strongly disagreeing.


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