• Mathius Tiku Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Dumai
  • Yaser Krisnafi Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Dumai
  • Muhammad Nur Arkham Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Dumai
Keywords: Cantrang, Catching season, Mini purse seine, PPP Tasik Agung


The fishing gear that is mostly used by fishermen at the Coastal Fishery Port (PPP) Tasik Agung, Rembang
Regency are mini purse seines and cantrangs. The fishing effort using fishing gear has a positive impact on the welfare of local fishermen. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of purse seine and cantrang fishing gear at PPP Tasik Agung, Rembang Regency based on specifications, fishing area and fishing season. Data collection was carried out through a survey method. The selection of fishermen as examples is carried out by accidental sampling to respondents who are deemed worthy of being accepted as sources of data/information. Processing and data analysis is done by using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the specifications of the mini purse seine fishing gear which are commonly used by fishermen with a fishing fleet of motor boats with a size of 11-20 GT generally have a length from the tip of the left wing to the tip of the right wing of about 250 m, while for ships with a size of 20-30 GT using mini purse seine fishing gear with a length of 360 m. Cantrang nets have different sections, where each section has a thread size, eye size, number of meshes, and rope size and length. Fishing operations in the waters of the Java Sea to the waters of Bawean Island (12 miles to the west and north from the coast of Bawean and Karimun Jawa) to the waters of Kalimantan. The peaks of the cantrang and mini purse seine fishing gear are different.


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