Performance Comparison of Single and Two-Phase Biogas Digesters Treating Dairy Cattle Manure at Tropical Ambient Temperature

S. Sutaryo, A. N. Sempana, C. M. S. Lestari, A. J. Ward


The biodegradation process of organic waste in anaerobic digestion can be in a single or two-phase bio-reactor. This study examined the effect of different biogas digester configurations (single and two-phase) on methane production of dairy cattle manure (DCM) at tropical ambient temperature. Three identical reactors were used in this study (R1, R2, and R3). The two-phase digesters consisted of reactors R1 and R2. R1 had a 2.1 L working volume and 3 d hydraulic retention time (HRT), while R2 had 5.25 L working volume and 22 d HRT (R1 and R2 had a 25 d HRT). The digested slurry of R1 was used to feed R2. R3 served as the single-phase digester and had 5.25 L working volume and 25 d HRT. Methane production were 14.31, 132.82, and 146 L/kg VS for R1, R2, and R3, respectively. The results showed that there was no positive effect of the application of a two-phase digester configuration on the specific methane yield of DCM per kg volatile solids added than that in the single-reactor. Methane production was detected in the first reactor of the two-phase digester configuration and the total methane production of the two-phase digester was found to be 29.98% higher (p<0.05) than that of the single reactor in terms of digester volume (0.41 VS 0.31 L/L/d). Both digester configurations performed well, indicated by a stable methane production and low volatile fatty acids and total ammonia concentrations. The two-phase bio-digester configuration can significantly increase methane production in terms of digester volume.


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S. Sutaryo (Primary Contact)
A. N. Sempana
C. M. S. Lestari
A. J. Ward
SutaryoS., SempanaA. N., LestariC. M. S., & WardA. J. (2020). Performance Comparison of Single and Two-Phase Biogas Digesters Treating Dairy Cattle Manure at Tropical Ambient Temperature. Tropical Animal Science Journal, 43(4), 354-359.

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