Socio-Spatial Approach to Cultivation of Lobster in the Ekas Bay Area, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

Pendekatan Sosio-Spasial Budidaya Lobster Pada Zona Wilayah Teluk Ekas Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat

  • Balok Budiyanto Pengelola Ekosistem Laut dan Pesisir Ahli Madya, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Keywords: blue economy, marine spatial planning, socio-spatial approach, cultivation of lobster, coastal areas


Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest marine wealth in the world with an area of 6.32 million waters with an accumulated coastline of 81,000 km and has a very large coral reef area as one of habitats for lobster. Lobsters live at a depth of 100-200 meters below sea level with a temperature of 20-30°C, with the distribution of lobsters in almost all Indonesian waters. One area of Indonesia’s center for lobster cultivation is West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The Directorate of Marine Spatial Planning designed a program scheme that was prepared to follow up on Lombok's lobster cultivation center, the lobster estate program or known as lobster cultivation village with blue economy principles. The core of sustainability which in development considering resources in the marine space characteristics that are vulnerable to environmental changes and open access - utilization that is open to the public and everyone can access it freely. Answering how conflicts of interest fight over marine space, it is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between space and the humans involved. This analysis is explained by using Levebvre's Socio-Spatial approach where space neutral and passive geometry. Space represents the site of struggle. In particular, the purpose paper is to add another point of view that already exists in reporting the detailed plan for marine aquaculture utilization zones. This article descriptive qualitative method. Results obtained preparation detailed spatial planning, consider the existence of conflict of interest contestations between stakeholders and accommodate conflicts of interest that may occur.


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How to Cite
BudiyantoB. (2021). Socio-Spatial Approach to Cultivation of Lobster in the Ekas Bay Area, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara: Pendekatan Sosio-Spasial Budidaya Lobster Pada Zona Wilayah Teluk Ekas Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat . Jurnal Pengelolaan Perikanan Tropis (Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management), 5(2), 121-133.