Socio-Spatial Approach of Coastal Communities in Utilization Fisherman Capture Zone in Morotai Regency, North Maluku
Pendekatan Sosio-Spasial Masyarakat Pesisir dalam Pemanfaatan Zona Perikanan Tangkap Nelayan di Kabupaten Morotai, Maluku Utara
Morotai Island Regency is coastal and small islands are part the North Maluku Province, which borders the Western Pacific Ocean. This area is strategic in Eastern Indonesia to support strategic position, the government through the Directorate of Marine Spatial Planning compiled a Blue Economy Model Prototype report in 2021 Fishery Port Development Zone Planning in Morotai. Considering the nature of resources in marine space is open acces, they have character that is very vulnerable to environmental changes utilization can access freely. Answering how the conflict of interest that occurs in fighting over sea space takes place, it necessary pay attention to relationship of spatial practices. Lefebvre's socio-spatial approach is explain this social situation. The purpose of this paper is add another point of view contained in the detailed report on fisheries development zone planning. This writing uses descriptive qualitative method. Primary data and secondary data are mainly sourced from the report on Blue Economy Model Prototype of 2021 Fishery Port Development Zone Planning in Morotai, issued by the Directorate of Marine Spatial Planning of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The results obtained are; (1) Conceptually, 2021 fishing port development zone planning report account the blue economy principle; (2) Utilization of coastal areas for benefit fishing, cultivation and marine tourism in Morotai not been maximized; (3) Conflicts, contestations, and negotiations over struggle for spatial space not considering the low utilization potential of coastal areas and facilities, infrastructure, utilities, and human accessibility not optimal; (4) It necessary consider report from a socio-spatial point of view.
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