Pesticide Residue Reduction on Curly Chili (Capsicum annum L.) Using Ozone Fine Bubble Technology.

Poetry Sari Levianny, Y. Aris Purwanto, Anto Tri Sugiarto


Pesticide residues in curly chilies may cause health problems in consumers. Washing curly chilies using ozone fine-bubble water is a promising method for reducing pesticide residues. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal dose and duration to degrade pesticide residues, especially for profenofos, and to determine their effect on the shelf life and physical quality of curly chilies. After washing, the curly chilies were stored at room temperature and observed every two days. The results showed that washing with 1 ppm ozone fine bubble water for 10 min was effective in reducing profenofos residue on curly chili by up to 89.8% without reducing its quality. The shelf life of curly chilies was observed, and they started losing their commercial value after 6-8 days.



Poetry Sari Levianny
Y. Aris Purwanto (Primary Contact)
Anto Tri Sugiarto
Author Biography

Y. Aris Purwanto, Bogor Agricultural University

Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering

LeviannyP. S., PurwantoY. A., & SugiartoA. T. (2024). Pesticide Residue Reduction on Curly Chili (Capsicum annum L.) Using Ozone Fine Bubble Technology. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 12(3), 340-351.

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