Kajian Sedimen Melayang pada Sub DAS Sei Kalembah (DAS Padang), Studi Kasus : Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PTPN 4 Kebun Pabatu
The purpose of this study was determined the amount of suspended sediment concentration dan sediment rating curve. Sediment rating curve are use to show the relationship between the discharge of the river and sediment discharge, a value sediment discharge can be used to predict the magnitude of the sedimentation process. Assesment of the suspended sediment have been made to overcome the
problems associated with the movement of contaminants, changes in water quality, to predict the lifetime of a dam on the river, and also to determine the rate of erosion due to changes in land use. Replanting at oil palm plantations, especially during land clearing that part of the land to be bare land. This condition causes the surface flow of replanted areas become rapidly concentrated into a ditch and into the river carrying sediment. The research results were obtained that the value of sediment discharge at the study site including the criteria for very high (greater than 20 tons/ha/yr) and already exceeds the limit sediment load criteria issued by the Ministry of Forestry.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya konsentrasi sedimen melayang (suspended sediment) dan kurva lengkung sedimen (sediment rating curve). Kurva lengkung sedimen merupakan kurva yang menunjukkan hubungan antara debit sungai dengan nilai debit sedimen sehingga dapat digunakan
untuk memprediksi besarnya proses sedimentasi. Kajian terhadap sedimen melayang (suspended sediment) telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah yang berhubungan dengan proses pergerakan kontaminan (bahan penyebab polusi), perubahan kualitas air, memprediksi masa pakai dari sebuah bendungan di
sungai, dan juga untuk mengetahui laju erosi akibat perubahan tataguna lahan. Kegiatan peremajaan (replanting) pada perkebunan kelapa sawit, terutama pada saat pembersihan lahan (land clearing) maka sebagian lahan menjadi terbuka. Kondisi ini yang menyebabkan aliran permukaan dari areal peremajaan
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